Wednesday, November 17, 2010

21 UP South Africa

After viewing 21 UP South Africa describe how either class or race could be a factor in determining upward economic and social mobility in the country today.

Describe South Africa's policy of black economic empowerment (BEE) and provide opinion on its necessity in South Africa in 2010.

Please post this response by Tuesday November 23 before our class meeting.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Describe what life would be like for an average resident of Alexandra township, the setting for the movie. Be sure to mention how the lack of infrastucture might affect how a resident might live in specific ways. ie. lack of running water and electricity.

This short response should be posted before class on Friday 22 October

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Angolan video exercise

Answer the following questions related to the video ( that you saw in class today:

1. Describe the plight of children in Luanda shown in the video.

2. From where do Angolans from all walks of life get their food?

3. How did the U.S. ambassador to Angola explain away the mismanagement of government funds when asked how the Angolan president can build two new palaces on his small salary?

4. How does the film describe the methods the government that Angola uses to deal with opposition to its rule?

5. How much money went "missing" from the Angolan economy from 1997-2002? Where do you think it went to?

6. Explain why so many roads are unsave to drive on in Angola.

7. Explain the situation in Cabinda with regards to oil and soverignty

Please post your responses by midnight on Friday 24 Sept

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Nigerian-Biafran War

1. What were the causes of the civil war?
2. What role did Britain play in causing this conflict?
3. When Nigeria was granted independence in 1960 how did the boundary agreements affect the three dominant ethnic groups?
4. Describe the 1965 elections and how the outcomes for the 3 main ethnic groups
5. What happened during and after the first military coup?
6. How did the discovery of oil in the South East of Nigeria eventually lead to a civil war?
7. Describe what events took place during the civil war and how it eventually ended in 1970.
8. Explain the aftermath of the war.
9. How could this conflict continue to affect Nigeria today?